All designs of our handbags are created by us and all rights are reserved. While designing them we are guided by convenience, the look and the quality of finish.
All designs of our handbags are created by us and all rights are reserved. While designing them we are guided by convenience, the look and the quality of finish.
For you we buy the best quality natural leather. Color, texture, natural scent. Discover the beauty of leather bags.
Leather catalogue
Do you like our handbag style but you prefer it in different color?
Take the opportunity to design your own bag – we will sew it especially for you.
With personalization possibility you do not have to wonder whether someone will have the same bag as you. Now you can customize it to suit your style, mood…trust us, thanks to our bags you will stand out from the crowd!
DESIGNWe love to create things that are timeless.We are not afraid to say that leather products, when properly cared for, are like wine –they get better with age and become treasures.
GALLERYTo enjoy their quality and durability you need to follow a few simple rules. Read them here.
Leather care